Monday, April 18, 2011

My New Quest...which I offered myself...and which I already chose to accept

For the rest of 2011, I will eat no sweets. No store-bought candy. No homemade brownies, cookies, or other delights. I have become very good friends with Double-Stuffed Oreos as of late. I've been best friends with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for a long time, and this newfound friendship with Oreos has got me thinking. I just need a break. It's time for me to take some me time and just think about things. This time away will be beneficial. It will allow me to hang out with someone I hate much gut. That's the problem with these friends of mine. You can't hang out with them without also hanging out with Mr. Spare Tire. I've decided it's not worth it anymore. I'm going to rediscover my younger days.

Ok, enough cryptic talk. I'll start updating my blog with thoughts and other updates during this quest of mine. Should be fun. This quest will also be accompanied by working out a lot more and eating smaller portions. I haven't done awesome at the smaller portions thing quite yet (read: I've been terrible at it), but that will change. I'm excited for this challenge. Wish me luck!!


  1. You are brave, good luck. I wish I had the desire to give those things up. That might really help my waistline, but I don't have that kind of willpower.

  2. DONT DO IT DAVE!!!!!
    That is a very dangerous road to tread down! You'll have some SERIOUS withdrawals, some even physically painful!
    I admire your courage Dave, I really do, but this is a horrible idea! If you dont believe me then when you crash, call me and I'll bring some sugar RIGHT over! :)

  3. Just kidding.
    You will do GREAT! You're a much braver person that I am. Good luck!!!!
